
Online Marathi teachers and tutors for private language lessons

Want to learn the Marathi language? Amarkosh is the best online platform for learning Indian languages. Find a private Marathi teacher who meets your needs and book a lesson today. Then continue to learn at your own pace and pay as you go, no subscription required.



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1 Marathi tutors who meet your requirement

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Rating 5.0

(1 reviews)

₹ 650

50 minute lesson
Teaches Marathi"
12 lessons taught
2 active students
Learn Marathi from a tutor having 17 years of experience

Namaste 🙏🏽

I am Bhumika from Maharashtra, India. Marathi is native language and I teach Marathi in school.

I have 17 years of experience in teaching Marathi. I teach; language using different methods and techniques such as song, images, and games as it helps to learn the language in a natural way.

I can help you to improve grammar and vocabulary for academic purposes and also help you with public speaking, essay writing. My teaching includes all kinds of techniques such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

My lessons are tailored according to the needs of the learner. If you want me to cover a certain topic again or revise a previous topic again we will do it multiple times so that you will be confident.

Language learning requires constant practice and effort. If you want to learn Marathi language or know about Marathi culture, drop me a message and book a lesson with me !!

Teaches Marathi
12 lessons taught
2 active students
Learn Marathi from a tutor having 17 years of experience

Namaste 🙏🏽

I am Bhumika from Maharashtra, India. Marathi is native language and I teach Marathi in school.

I have 17 years of experience in teaching Marathi. I teach; language using different methods and techniques such as song, images, and games as it helps to learn the language in a natural way.

I can help you to improve grammar and vocabulary for academic purposes and also help you with public speaking, essay writing. My teaching includes all kinds of techniques such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

My lessons are tailored according to the needs of the learner. If you want me to cover a certain topic again or revise a previous topic again we will do it multiple times so that you will be confident.

Language learning requires constant practice and effort. If you want to learn Marathi language or know about Marathi culture, drop me a message and book a lesson with me !!

₹ 650

50 minute lesson

Rating 5.0(1 reviews)

How does learning with Amarkosh work?

1. Find the best Marathi tutor

Choose from available Marathi tutors that meet your needs. Make use of filters to narrow down your search and find the best fit.

2. Book your first lesson

Select the time from the tutor's availability that works best for you and book a lesson. Meet the tutor in our virtual classroom to discuss your goal and chart out a plan. The tutor will create a personalized learning plan just for you. You may start a conversation with the tutor via chat messages before your first lessons so that the tutor is prepared to take care of your needs.

3. Proceed on the path of learning

Buy and schedule further lessons to learn Marathi at your own pace. No need to commit to a costly monthly subscription.

Online Marathi Lessons with a Private Tutor: The Most Effective Way to Learn Marathi

Marathi is the third most spoken language in India and sits at 13th place worldwide. With over 85 million native speakers, it is one of the official languages of India and the state of Maharashtra. Marathi is the primary language of Mumbai, the financial capital of India that makes Marathi an important language for travelers and international business people alike. If you are not familiar with any Indian language then mastering Marathi might be a challenging task, which makes it important that you learn it in the most efficient way. Whether you have studied the language before or you’re just starting out, finding the best online Marathi teacher is the first and most important step toward fluency. Amarkosh is here to help you choose the perfect private Marathi tutor.

At this point, it is important to consider your objectives. Perhaps, you want to learn Marathi for travel (personal or business), connect with friends and family, watch Marathi movies or read books in the original language. Maybe you are making business deals and want a thorough understanding of the language to make it easy during meetings. Whatever your motivation, a great online Marathi tutor will help you achieve your goals.

To speak Marathi clearly, and effectively, learning from a native expert is essential. Amarkosh has tutors who are native Marathi speakers and eager to share their deep knowledge of speaking, reading and writing their language. As trained, verified, and experienced Marathi teachers, they will help you acquire the skills you need and provide practical knowledge. The online tutors at Amarkosh are an excellent resource for anyone planning to learn an Indian language.

Why take Online Marathi Lessons

If you are living outside Maharashtra then finding an institution that teaches Marathi lessons is difficult, more so outside India. Even if you find one then commuting will be another challenge to overcome other than accommodating lesson timing with your daily schedule. In a traditional setting your learning objectives and goals may not match with other students in the group, which poses additional challenges.

In such a situation online tutoring is an ideal solution. With online lessons, you can have a private tutor who is as dedicated as you and aligned with your learning goals. This will help you remain focused on the objective and get truly personalized learning delivered by the online Marathi tutor. That will enable you to learn Marathi by real life conversations, which will make the learning process faster and joyful.

Amarkosh has experienced and certified Marathi tutors. You can find the right private Marathi tutor who meets your needs. Other benefits of online lessons are:

  • The best Marathi tutors for your budget
  • Online Marathi lessons at the time that suits your schedule
  • The ability to join lessons and learn from anywhere
  • A personalized learning plan tailored to your unique goals
  • You get undivided attention from the Marathi teacher

With Amarkosh finding a private Marathi tutor online has become easy. Just browse through available tutors and adjust the search filters to see who meets your needs. Go through the tutor’s profile, introductory video, reviews from other students and tutor’s availability to make a decision. If you still have questions then you may chat with the tutor before scheduling your first online Marathi lesson.

Your Marathi Tutor Will Immerse You in Knowledge and Culture

It is not easy to achieve fluency in a new language like Marathi. Practicing with a native speaker often can speed-up the learning process. When living among native Marathi speakers is not an option then you can get a similar immersive learning experience with an online tutor.

During your online Marathi lessons, you will get to learn from the basics like recognizing the letters, forming words and then sentences. Tutor will teach you the cultural nuances and how to choose the right phrases for the situation. You will get the conversational experiences like native speakers do in their everyday life.

Private Marathi teachers are the best resource for language learning and helping you truly understand it thoroughly and at practical level. After all, your goal is to be able to communicate confidently in Marathi.

Find the right tutor and schedule your first Marathi lesson to learn Marathi right away. If you have questions or need help, Amarkosh customer service team is there to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

🏋 Is it hard to achieve fluency in Marathi language and how long does it take to learn?

Not really, if you are familiar with any Indian language. If you are completely new to Indian languages and scripts then it may be a little hard to begin with. On average, 250 hours of study is required to learn the basics of the Marathi language. That means by dedicating 10 hours a week you will be able to acquire conversational level skills in 6-7 months. From there on you may be able to choose a future learning path based on how much deep understanding you are aiming for.

⏩ Is there a way to start speaking Marathi faster?

The quickest and most effective way to learn Marathi is to live among Marathi-speaking people. The everyday need to interact with native speakers will leave you with no choice but to communicate with them, which will break the language barrier and make you learn from native speakers quickly. Though if you are living outside India then that option may not be available to you easily. If you don't know any native speakers nearby, start watching Marathi movies, TV shows, listen to podcasts and read Marathi books. Also check out language learning websites to find online Marathi tutors. Fortunately, anyone with an Internet connection can take conversational Marathi lessons online with native speakers on platforms like Amarkosh.

🌐 Why is Amarkosh the best place to study Marathi online?

Amarkosh is focused on Indian languages where you will find native Marathi speaking tutors who are certified and have years of teaching experience. Amarkosh also has a multilingual Marathi dictionary and word games that will help you to learn Marathi language. With one-to-one teaching, tutors personalize the learning plan according to each person. You will be able to make quick progress because online lessons and learning material are accessible any time you want. At Amarkosh finding a tutor that meets your budget, schedule and learning goals is easy.

🎦 How does online Marathi tutoring via video lessons work?

For Marathi lessons, students and tutors meet online in Amarkosh classroom. This video meeting platform also lets you send chat messages, share study materials, write collaboratively on a whiteboard or a document. This helps you to take private Marathi lessons with online tutors from anywhere in the world.

🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏿 How many people speak Marathi worldwide?

Approximately 85 million people speak Marathi language. Most of them live in Maharashtra, which is located in western part of India. A large number of Marathi speaking people live in different parts of the world though their presence is not significant in any other country.

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Europe/Bucharest (+3:00)
Europe/Budapest (+2:00)
Europe/Busingen (+2:00)
Europe/Chisinau (+3:00)
Europe/Copenhagen (+2:00)
Europe/Dublin (+1:00)
Europe/Gibraltar (+2:00)
Europe/Guernsey (+1:00)
Europe/Helsinki (+3:00)
Europe/Isle_of_Man (+1:00)
Europe/Istanbul (+3:00)
Europe/Jersey (+1:00)
Europe/Kaliningrad (+2:00)
Europe/Kiev (+3:00)
Europe/Kirov (+3:00)
Europe/Lisbon (+1:00)
Europe/Ljubljana (+2:00)
Europe/London (+1:00)
Europe/Luxembourg (+2:00)
Europe/Madrid (+2:00)
Europe/Malta (+2:00)
Europe/Mariehamn (+3:00)
Europe/Minsk (+3:00)
Europe/Monaco (+2:00)
Europe/Moscow (+3:00)
Europe/Nicosia (+3:00)
Europe/Oslo (+2:00)
Europe/Paris (+2:00)
Europe/Podgorica (+2:00)
Europe/Prague (+2:00)
Europe/Riga (+3:00)
Europe/Rome (+2:00)
Europe/Samara (+4:00)
Europe/San_Marino (+2:00)
Europe/Sarajevo (+2:00)
Europe/Saratov (+4:00)
Europe/Simferopol (+3:00)
Europe/Skopje (+2:00)
Europe/Sofia (+3:00)
Europe/Stockholm (+2:00)
Europe/Tallinn (+3:00)
Europe/Tirane (+2:00)
Europe/Tiraspol (+3:00)
Europe/Ulyanovsk (+4:00)
Europe/Uzhgorod (+3:00)
Europe/Vaduz (+2:00)
Europe/Vatican (+2:00)
Europe/Vienna (+2:00)
Europe/Vilnius (+3:00)
Europe/Volgograd (+3:00)
Europe/Warsaw (+2:00)
Europe/Zagreb (+2:00)
Europe/Zaporozhye (+3:00)
Europe/Zurich (+2:00)
GB (+1:00)
GB-Eire (+1:00)
GMT (0:00)
GMT+0 (0:00)
GMT-0 (0:00)
GMT0 (0:00)
Greenwich (0:00)
HST (-10:00)
Hongkong (+8:00)
Iceland (0:00)
Indian/Antananarivo (+3:00)
Indian/Chagos (+6:00)
Indian/Christmas (+7:00)
Indian/Cocos (+6:30)
Indian/Comoro (+3:00)
Indian/Kerguelen (+5:00)
Indian/Mahe (+4:00)
Indian/Maldives (+5:00)
Indian/Mauritius (+4:00)
Indian/Mayotte (+3:00)
Indian/Reunion (+4:00)
Iran (+4:30)
Israel (+3:00)
Jamaica (-5:00)
Japan (+9:00)
Kwajalein (+12:00)
Libya (+2:00)
MET (+2:00)
MST (-7:00)
MST7MDT (-7:00)
Mexico/BajaNorte (-8:00)
Mexico/BajaSur (-7:00)
Mexico/General (-6:00)
Mideast/Riyadh87 (+3:00)
Mideast/Riyadh88 (+3:00)
Mideast/Riyadh89 (+3:00)
NZ (+12:00)
NZ-CHAT (+12:45)
Navajo (-7:00)
PRC (+8:00)
PST8PDT (-7:00)
Pacific/Apia (+13:00)
Pacific/Auckland (+12:00)
Pacific/Bougainville (+11:00)
Pacific/Chatham (+12:45)
Pacific/Chuuk (+10:00)
Pacific/Easter (-6:00)
Pacific/Efate (+11:00)
Pacific/Enderbury (+13:00)
Pacific/Fakaofo (+13:00)
Pacific/Fiji (+12:00)
Pacific/Funafuti (+12:00)
Pacific/Galapagos (-6:00)
Pacific/Gambier (-9:00)
Pacific/Guadalcanal (+11:00)
Pacific/Guam (+10:00)
Pacific/Honolulu (-10:00)
Pacific/Johnston (-10:00)
Pacific/Kiritimati (+14:00)
Pacific/Kosrae (+11:00)
Pacific/Kwajalein (+12:00)
Pacific/Majuro (+12:00)
Pacific/Marquesas (-9:30)
Pacific/Midway (-11:00)
Pacific/Nauru (+12:00)
Pacific/Niue (-11:00)
Pacific/Norfolk (+11:00)
Pacific/Noumea (+11:00)
Pacific/Pago_Pago (-11:00)
Pacific/Palau (+9:00)
Pacific/Pitcairn (-8:00)
Pacific/Pohnpei (+11:00)
Pacific/Ponape (+11:00)
Pacific/Port_Moresby (+10:00)
Pacific/Rarotonga (-10:00)
Pacific/Saipan (+10:00)
Pacific/Samoa (-11:00)
Pacific/Tahiti (-10:00)
Pacific/Tarawa (+12:00)
Pacific/Tongatapu (+13:00)
Pacific/Truk (+10:00)
Pacific/Wake (+12:00)
Pacific/Wallis (+12:00)
Pacific/Yap (+10:00)
Poland (+2:00)
Portugal (+1:00)
ROC (+8:00)
ROK (+9:00)
SST (-11:00)
SST-11 (-11:00)
SST-12 (-12:00)
SST-13 (-13:00)
Samoa (-11:00)
Singapore (+8:00)
Turkey (+3:00)
UCT (0:00)
US/Alaska (-8:00)
US/Aleutian (-10:00)
US/Arizona (-7:00)
US/Central (-5:00)
US/Eastern (-4:00)
US/East-Indiana (-4:00)
US/Hawaii (-10:00)
US/Indiana-Starke (-5:00)
US/Michigan (-4:00)
US/Mountain (-6:00)
US/Pacific (-7:00)
US/Pacific-New (-8:00)
US/Samoa (-11:00)
UTC (0:00)
Universal (0:00)
W-SU (+3:00)
WET (+1:00)
Zulu (0:00)