Why Learning Hindi is Important for Kids

Why Learning Hindi is Important for Kids

Hindi may or may not be your mother tongue, but it remains an important language for all Indians. The fact remains that the world has become smaller, and Indians are settling in all corners of the world. Still, a tree can only get as strong as its roots. And Hindi is one of these roots.

As per the Indian culture, it takes a village to raise a child. But with families moving outside India, children do not get the love and care of their grandparents, neighbors and other relatives. Hence NRI parents are looking at various resources to impart the correct value system in their children. This is where the knowledge of Hindi plays a vital role.

The importance of Hindi as a language

Approximately 800 million people speak Hindi all around the world. For some it is their mother tongue and for others it is their secondary language. Over 8.3% of the world’s population speaks Hindi. This data reflects the importance of Hindi as a language. Besides cultural importance, as India becomes one of the leading poles in the new multipolar world, it will help them in career growth and other segments too as they will be encountering Hindi-speaking persons in their workspace, neighborhood, friend circles, and so on.

Cultural significance of Hindi

We may go far and wide in pursuit of career growth and better quality of life, but we would always like to stay connected to our roots. We would like our children to know about our rich heritage and embrace our age-old wisdom. Parents want their children to be familiar with the epics, read the folk-lores, practice the teachings of our saints and gurus, and embrace the wisdom that has come down through the ages.

It is true that a lot of this content has been translated into other languages. Somehow, the essence of a classic can never be experienced fully in a foreign language. Poetry loses its charm once it is translated. You can immerse yourself in the depth of a classic only when it retains the purity of its original language.

Try translating your favorite song into some other language. Do you still enjoy it? Do the lyrics make sense?

Building a personal connect

We are always looking for like-minded persons to make our own group. We like to live in and connect with a society that we can call our own. For that, we must communicate in a common language. Most Indians speak Hindi. This is a language that we proudly call “our own”. Hindi can be used as a carrier to share thoughts, feelings, and exchange our views. It is a beautiful way to stay connected with all those who are living in India, as well as all those who have decided to live in some other country.

We may speak a different language in our school, college or workplace, but we always rely on our native language when we are sad, happy, excited or depressed. That joy, thoughts, or viewpoints can be truly expressed only through “our own” language.

No matter which part of the world we live in, Bollywood has become a part of everyone’s life. People from all across the world enjoy Bollywood movies including its dialogues, dances, and music. In fact, certain dialogues have become so iconic that they have become a part of everyday conversation. Young, old, working professionals as well as housewives love to watch Bollywood movies and TV serials. Many of these are classics that are considered vital for integrating with our Indian culture.

As children are not willing to read books nowadays, serials like “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata” give them an insight into the rich Indian heritage. Similarly, movies like “Do Bigha Zameen” and “Awara” tell them about the life of common Indians. Movies like “Border” tell them about the wars fought by our brave soldiers. Since all these movies and serials are in Hindi, it becomes easier to relate to them if the viewer knows Hindi.

Starting young

Kids learn mostly by observation and it is much easier to become a polyglot at young age rather than at later stage in the life. Speaking with children in Hindi during their formative years will help to learn the language. Somehow, if that aspect is overlooked then do that as soon as possible. It is always easier to grasp a language when it is learnt at a young age.

Every language has its specific peculiarities and Hindi has plentiful of them. It is easy for a child to grasp all these nuances once they start learning Hindi from an early age.

Start learning Hindi today

If Hindi is not taught in your school, then engaging with a private tutor would be another option to learn the language. Amarkosh has native speaking online Hindi tutors available at affordable price. They provide personalized Hindi lesson at your schedule and budget. Go ahead and find a tutor who meets your requirements and start learning today.

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