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Meaning : ଏକ ପ୍ରକାରର ବଡ଼ ଟୋପି
Example : ମିଷ୍ଟର ବିଲଟନଙ୍କ ମୁଣ୍ଡଉପରେ ତାଙ୍କ କୋଟ ରଙ୍ଗର ଟୋପି ହିଁ ସୁଶୋଭିତ ଥିଲା
Synonyms : ଟୋପି, ହ୍ୟାଟ
Translation in other languages :हिन्दी English
एक प्रकार की बड़ी टोपी।
Headdress that protects the head from bad weather. Has shaped crown and usually a brim.
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