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Meaning of word nullify from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

nullify   verb

Meaning : Declare invalid.

Example : The contract was annulled.
Void a plea.

Synonyms : annul, avoid, invalidate, quash, void

Translation in other languages :

किसी विधि, कानून या आदेश को रद्द घोषित करना, विधिक कार्रवाई को समाप्त करना।

सरकार ने नई आबकारी नीति का अभिखण्डन किया।
अभिखंडन, अभिखण्डन

Declare or make legally valid.

formalise, formalize, validate

Meaning : Show to be invalid.

Synonyms : invalidate

Prove valid. Show or confirm the validity of something.


Meaning : Make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of.

Example : Her optimism neutralizes his gloom.
This action will negate the effect of my efforts.

Synonyms : negate, neutralise, neutralize