Meaning : ଏକ କେନ୍ଦ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତ କଣିକାବିହୀନ ଶ୍ୱେତ ରକ୍ତ କୋଶିକା
Example :
ଲିମ୍ଫୋସାଇଟ ଥାଇମସରେ ଉତ୍ପନ୍ନ ହୁଏ
Synonyms : ଲିମ୍ଫୋସାଇଟ
Translation in other languages :
एककेन्द्रक, अकणिकीय श्वेत रक्त कोशिका।
लसीका कोशिका का उत्पादन थाइमस में होता है।An agranulocytic leukocyte that normally makes up a quarter of the white blood cell count but increases in the presence of infection.
lymph cell, lymphocyte