Meaning : ଯେଉଁ ରୋଗରେ ବୟସ ବୃଦ୍ଧି ସହିତ ସ୍ମରଣ-ଶକ୍ତି ହ୍ରାସ ପାଇଯାଏ
Example :
ଅଲ୍ଟଶାଇମର୍ଜ ରୋଗରେ ସର୍ବପ୍ରଥମେ ମସ୍ତିଷ୍କର କେତେକ କୋଷିକା ପ୍ରଭାବିତ ହୁଅନ୍ତି
Synonyms : ଅଲ୍ଟଶାଇମର୍ଜ
Translation in other languages :
वह रोग जिसमें बढ़ती उम्र के साथ स्मरण-शक्ति खो जाती है।
अल्ज़ाइमर में सर्वप्रथम मस्तिष्क की कोई कोशिका प्रभावित होती है।A progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s. First symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness.
alzheimer's, alzheimer's disease, alzheimers